Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Sa Sartiglia e Marzo!

Well, can I say I speak Italian now? Can I say I'm bilingual? I think I'm tipping over that point with all the rest of the exchange students here in Italy. It's awesome, just like the island of Sardegna. I find myself feeling a part of something a lot here, my class at school and this magnificent group of people who make up Intercultura this year. I think if I could do high school over again, I would go to Italy and start in prima (Freshman year) in the same course and with the same class. I don't think they know (non si rendono conto) how lucky they are to have a tie so strong with their classmates. This is their fifth year together, and when I was looking at all their photos from past years I realized that they've seen each other grow into adults.

I spent my Carnevale this year in Oristano at Sa Sartiglia. Basically, there were a bunch of horses that took turns running super fast in order to put their swords through a star. That's not a very precise definition, but here's a youtube video and photos that show it better.

A video of Sa Sartiglia!

Juanma from Mexico, Nicole from the US, and Karoline from Norway!
Bella Karitas from Iceland! 
Also for the horses!

I wasn't expecting it to be so thrilling and fun, but it turned out absolutely spectacular. Probably one of the most culturally engaging things I have ever seen in my entire life. This tradizione sarda has been happening every year for hundreds of years.

My awesome Norwegian friend also came to my house and we went to Cagliari! Poetto, Cagliari's main beach, was absolutely beautiful (even if the exchange students from Thailand and the Philippines said it wasn't very much compared to their beaches): . We had so much fun together and I got to see Cagliari, the biggest city in Sardegna.

Karoline ed io!

Il bravissimo Sun dalla Thailandi!


March has begun and Spring is coming! Even if the weather doesn't make it seem like it. The festa dei cento giorni, which is a party for all the quinteto mark 100 days until the exams, is this Saturday night. I'll go with my class, and we'll eat lunch and dinner and dance together! This will be the Senior Night I never had. Then this Sunday, parto per Pisa! I'm doing la settimana di scambio (exchange week) a Livorno (a city near Pisa). This exchange week is all musically themed and we get to go to un liceo musicale (a music high school). I hope it'll be fun! A presto!

I don't want to worry and just be happy here...