Isn't it amusing to write letters to your future self? I had this box to my eighteen year old self buried in my backyard that I was going to open when I graduated high school, but I cheated and got curious yesterday and couldn't find it. So instead of using dirt to hide a letter this time, I think I'll just keep my "box to myself" on here. I was just thinking about how a year from now I'll be back in my boring home from studying abroad in Italy.
Cara Sabrina in July, 2013,
Right now, at this very moment your sitting in your house, and kind of feel un-adventured. You want to explore this year and you will. You hope to meet people, change or solidify your outlooks, learn until your brain starts making you accidentally leave the keys in the ignition and go inside, drink molto caffè, e feel different.
I think that's the cumulative goal: feeling like an individual. I'm a little confused if I'm using first or second voice or future or present tense (too much grammar!) here. So I'll stop, but I hope you've had the best time and everyone else in Italia has the best time and maybe you'll get to hum a bit of "Con te partirò" while your walking le strade (the streets) of a little village in Italia with less than 3,000 people in it. That's only a little bit more than how many students your high school had. Wow, you're finally in color.
A presto studentessa italiana!
Sabrina in July, 2012
Are you fluent in this bella lingua? Pensi in italiano (Do you think in Italian?!)?
How many intriguing people have you met? Count, oh okay I'll end it there.