HEYYY. I'm back and it's strange. Well I've been back now for three weeks..., but I've been busy doing a bunch of things like seeing my friends and family and going back to the same old places and driving and watching Netflix (YES) and listening to Pandora..
I wrote a letter to myself July 27, 2012 (here's the link:
click here) before I left for my AFS year in Italy. It was a whole entire year before I left and I asked myself these questions that I would answer when I returned:
1) Are you fluent in this beautiful language?
I think I can respond yes to this or at least I can consider myself at a "Professional working proficiency". I looked that up online, and the other exchange students and I fit into the criteria.
2) Do you think in Italian?
Not anymore, but like all the other exchange students for the last couple months... yes we were thinking in Italian!
3) How many intriguing people have you met?
I can't count. Everyone I met was diverse and interesting.
So my last days were surprisingly normal... Well, besides the last Sunday I was there, I got confirmed in the pretty painted church in the town where I lived, Mamoiada. Here are some photos...
The most awesome host father, host sister who is my madrina (godmother) and me! |
The kindest host mother, Giosa on the left! :) |
My host sister and a beautiful baby! |
DELICIOUS pasta al forno! lasagna! |
Grandma and host dad! |
Zio Ciccio ed io! :) |
The huge lunch after my confirmation (cresima)... |
So the last few days, I had one last pizza night with my class, hung out with some other exchange students, and went to the beach. Then came the time when we had to say goodbye to our families and other friends. After ten months of getting to know each other extremely well, I saluted everyone with tears. It was too sad, but I know we'll be seeing each other.
I found this list of life tips on my Italian classmate's wall... I learned a lot of these while I was there. 1. Hang out only with those who make you feel good about yourself. |
More amazing life tips from my Italian dad... B says everything we resist, we trasform into enemy. |
order "Bella" at Su Conottu in Nuoro, Sardegna, Italia |
Caffé, grazie Totoi! |
So wow. My exchange year in Italy is over. It was so difficult to believe that it would ever end. My departure date had always seemed so far away. This year gave me and all the other exchange students so many new ideas and new knowledge though, and we learned how to look upon our own cultures from an international perspective. We met people from all over the world and we had so much fun together. We lived with a family. We met the real people of these countries that we see on the news or that we only ever imagined. We changed for the better. I really believe that everyone should do one year abroad. I would recommend studying abroad in high school to everyone. Before I left I felt so locked into my hometown and life in the US. Now, però, I know I can be strong through the difficulties and have so much beautiful fun when I travel. I'm ready to pack my bags again and get on a plane to the next destination.
Thank you everyone for reading a little bit about my year in Italia these past ten months. I hope that this blog can provide some reference and help to future AFS students, but I won't write here anymore. Bye blog italiano... Ciao Italy for now.